Learn all the technical basics for handling your camera. This way you will be able to use the manual mode blindly in the future. Learn how important the composition rules are, what influence they can have on your story, and when you can and should break them. Get a huge insight into different equipment to see how it works and whether it's worth it. Additionally, you'll learn how to find the right equipment for you with ease. Learn to understand which camera movements exist, how to implement them with which tool, and what impact they can have on your story. The included gimbal masterclass in the course shows you everything you need to know about gimbals and how to get the smoothest shots. Finally, you will learn the importance of audio, where to find music for your videos, and how to properly record sound on set to create a video that is not only watchable but also listenable.
In the next part you learn everything about lightning because light is what really makes a picture stunning, even if you don't have access to the newest camera. But even more important is to understand storytelling. Do you get confused by so many different aspects of it? Let me show how easy and logical it can be to understand storytelling. Now, if you are able to create amazing pictures and stories, you have to put them together. Let's deep dive together into Premiere Pro and learn efficient ways to Edit. Finally, you will learn how to find clients who appreciate your work and are happy to pay you for it, how to negotiate with them, and everything else you need to know to run a successful film business.

132+ Video Lessons
Hours of structured training videos that teach you all the basics of working professionally with your camera.

Various helpful downloads make the learning process even easier. Including our LUT bundle, SFX, lightning asset pack, and digital cheat sheet booklet.

Savings & Discounts
Get various discounts on gear and software.

You will receive a stunning cheat sheet booklet as a digital or printed version, which will be a great help on your journey.
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Premium 1-Year Membership
198$Every year1 Year SubscriptionÂ- 1-Year Access to 132+ Lessons
- 30+ Hours of Content
- Access all Chapters
- Access FUTURE Content During 1-Year
- ALL IN COMMUNITY Access for 1-Year
- Discounts for Gear & Software
- Downloads LUT'S, SFX & More
- Get the Digital Cheat Sheet Booklet
- Beginner friendly - no prior experience necessary
- Become a Master in Filmmaking
Premium Lifetime Membership
396$ÂOne Time PaymentÂ- Life Access to 132+ Lessons
- 30+ Hours of Content
- Access all Chapters
- Access FUTURE Content
- Discounts for Gear & Software
- Downloads LUT'S, SFX & More
- Get the Digital Cheat Sheet Booklet
- Beginner friendly - no prior experience necessary
- Become a Master in Filmmaking